New building for temporary storage of spent fuel in Doel

Electrabel is planning the construction and operation of a new building at the Doel nuclear power plant site to temporarily store reinforced containers of spent fuel elements. The building is called SF² (Spent Fuel Storage Facility) and is indispensable for starting the dismantling of the plants are the Post Operational Phase.
08/12/2020  - Doel

Click on the brochure below for more information about the project (in Dutch).

Cover flyer SF²

Would you rather read a printed copy? If so, let us know here and we will send you one. 


Why is Electrabel building an additional storage building?



Take a look inside the already existing building for the temporary storage of spent fuel at Doel here

Roll-ups Sf²Click on the image above to enlarge.


Information session

To communicate openly about the project for the construction of the new building for the temporary storage of spent fuel at the Doel nuclear power plant, Electrabel organized a digital information session on 6 January 2021. This presentation was completely separate from the Public Consultation and all interested parties were able to register via the website. You can view this information session again below.


Permits granted

After successfully completing all procedures, both the environmental permit and the environmental and operating permit for SF2 were granted in July 2021 and the Royal Decree was signed.