Nuclear energy

Electrabel operates nuclear power plants in Belgium at Doel and Tihange in complete safety. This way nuclear power will contribute to a safe, reliable, affordable, and climate-friendly energy supply.

Key questions about the nuclear power plants

This page provides you with answers to the most frequently asked questions about the current situation surrounding our nuclear power plants. 
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The shutdown of our nuclear power plants

Electrabel is in the process of preparing for the professional shutdown and dismantling of the Belgian nuclear power plants.
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The project to extend the operation of the Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear power plants: nuclear expertise, strict safety procedures and thorough inspections

Extending the operation of the Doel and Tihange nuclear power plants is a major project. Electrabel is deploying all its nuclear expertise and professionalism to ensure a responsible restart and safe long-term operation.
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How does a nuclear power plant work?

Are you interested in how a nuclear power plant exactly works? We will take you through the whole process: from nuclear fission to electricity.
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The nuclear power plants and safety

Safety is the number one priority in the Belgian nuclear power plants. Find out the many ways in which Electrabel and its partners ensure nuclear safety. The nuclear power plants are also highly secure. You can't just wander in!
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The nuclear power plants and the climate

That white plume above the cooling tower? That's water vapor. No CO₂ is released during the production of nuclear energy. In this way, nuclear energy contributes to achieving Belgium's climate objectives. Nuclear power production does create radioactive waste, however. Discover how we handle it safely and professionally.
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Nuclear community

Electrabel is the operator of the Belgian nuclear power plants. An important task that we don't carry out on our own. Meet the various players: From the Belgian research centre in Mol to the international regulatory authorities.
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